JENNIFER SIMPSON (Director aka head honcho) is a writer living in Albuquerque (though she is a California girl at heart). She just completed her MFA in creative writing at the University of New Mexico. Her DimeStory “Letters from Heaven” was selected for inclusion in the DimeStories (nee First Fridays) Best of Year 3 CD. She writes what she calls “very creative mostly non-fiction” and sometimes poetry (but don’t tell her fellow DimeStoriers). She working on a memoir, Reconstructing My Mother and a nonfiction book, Searching for Rosie.
She has published everything from articles about welding to short fiction, poetry, and essay. She is also the editor and publisher of the I WRITE BECAUSE project and she is currently teaching Writing Grief: a creative writing journey. Find out more on her professional website.
She manages the Duke City DimeStories and hosts a drop-in writing group every Monday in Albuerque.