NEW this month– Duke City DimeStories is adding a Featured Reader to our regularly monthly event. This is an opportunity to hear 15 minutes (or so) of prose–not necessarily in the 3-minute format (though we always welcome DimeStories from our featured readers). Be sure to let us know if you’d like to be one of our featured readers….
For July we have an opportunity to feature the multi-talented Tatyana Brown, founding captain of TheLit Slam, a monthly live-audience curated literary journal and top ranked slam poet from the Bay Area. She is a writer, educator, and community organizer based in San Francisco, and in addition to touring North America as a poet she has talked teenagers into discovering the mountaintops of British Columbia, told stories to captivated Bay Area audiences and on NPR’s hot new true-life narrative storytelling show, Snap Judgment , and sold instant literature ranging from short fiction to wedding vows as a street vending freelance writer in New York City.
Edit YOUR most excellent 3-minute stories, and join the fun:
Thursday, July 19
at The Source, 1111 Carlisle Ave SE
(on the patio, weather permitting, otherwise we’ll be in the Blue Room)
Come early to sign up, mix and mingle with fellow writers, and help set up chairs 🙂