UPDATE: This happened! It was great!
Look for more workshops in the future!
I am so excited to offer this opportunity for the Albuquerque DimeStoriers– Amy Wallen (DimeStories Founder and all around amazing writer) will be in town to celebrate the Ten Year Annivesary of DimeStories, and emcee the October DimeStories Open Mic.
In addition, she has is offering this amazing workshop:
Duke City DimeStories Flash Fiction/Memoir Workshop
When: 1 to 3 p.m., Saturday October 18, 2014
Where: Jennifer’s House (address provided upon registration)
Cost: $30
Ernest Hemingway compares a story to an iceberg where the largest percentage is submerged beneath the surface. We will learn to make our short shorts the biggest icebergs with just the peak showing.
Bring paper and pen to work on fine tuning your ice bergs. Bring one or two flash stories, typed, double-spaced, and printed out. If we have time we will do some fine editing.