Alex Bosworth has volunteered to host the next San Diego DimeStories. So I thought I’d ask Alex THREE questions (a hat tip to our 3-minute time limit).

1. Who the Heck ARE You?
Alex Bosworth was born in a house he built himself in San Diego
circa 1965. His parents (no photos available) were both teachers with
theatrical backgrounds. Alex began writing short fiction in elementary
school and has kept at it for forty years in lieu of gainful employment.
Alex performs his work at coffeehouses, bookstores and coin operated laundries throughout Southern California.
His book, Chip Chip Chaw:Tales of the Unsane is available on Amazon.
Name THREE authors or books who have influenced or inspired you:
The authors and books that have most influenced me are
Kurt Vonnegut, specifically “Cat’s Cradle” and “Hocus Pocus”.
Albert Camus’ “The Stranger” and the work of Ursula K. Le Guin.
The monologues of Spalding Gray have also been an inspiration.**
List THREE things on your desk right now:
The landscape of my desk is dominated by pharmaceutical bottles.
There is also a small blue address book and an Edgar Allan Poe
** Alex clearly is a rebel… I count FOUR authors/books. hmmmmm
NOTE: Alex’s story “F.K.U.” was selected for inclusion in our ten-year anniversary anthology, DimeStories:California, New Mexico, and Beyond! alongside many other fantastic 3-minute stories (about 500 words)