Congratulations to our September Standouts for San Diego DimeStories!Two of the stories honor Jennifer Tuccillo. Carol Moscrip – One of a Kind Ed Coonce – Souls Don Ryan – Pink and Blue Amy Wallen – Excerpt from her memoir
Author: Carrie
Open Mic San Diego – October
Friday the 13th San Diego DimeStories Open Mic 13th Anniversary If you are Superstitious… Don’t Miss It! 6:30-7:30 Inspirations Gallery next to Inkspot; SDWI, Liberty Station 7:30 – 10 Readings in the Inkspot 10 – 11…
San Diego DimeStories 13th Anniversary
Join us for our San Diego DimeStories 13th Anniversary Celebration October, Friday the 13th! San Diego Writers, Ink; Inspirations Gallery 6:30-7:30 Refreshments; 7:30-10 Readings 10- more celebration. Host: Amy Wallen! Our founder! Be There! (please) SaveSave
August 2017 – San Diego DimeStories Standouts!
Here are the San Diego Standouts for August 2017! CONGRATULATIONS! This was an unusual six-way tie. So many strong writers and creative people! LISTEN AND ENJOY! Judy Reeves – Underwater Jesse Robinson – Proof There Is No God John Shaw – Hiking Backwards Lawrence Johnson – She Wanted To Hold Him Accountable Bryane Fleming –…
San Diego DimeStories Announcement
Hi DimeStory Folks! I’m excited for our upcoming Friday, September 8 DimeStories with Steve Montgomery as our guest host followed by our San Diego DimeStories 13th Anniversary Celebration on Friday, October 13 with guest host and founder, Amy Wallen! REMINDER: We have gotten off track with our 3-minute time limit, I for one, have to…
San Diego DimeStories Open Mic August 11, 2017
Friday August 11, 2017 Join us for another evening of Dime Stories! Bring your 3-minute piece of prose: memoir, fantasy, fiction, essay, commentary or a new invented form! We look forward to hearing yours. If you don’t want to read or just want to visit to see what we are all about, come and listen,…
SoCal Standouts for June, 2017
Congratulations to our SoCal Standouts for June 2017! We are pleased to honor these writers for their creativity and originality. Thank you to our wonderful Guest Host, Kristen Fogle. The winners are: Cheryl Sonstein – Sam the Produce Man Eva Friedlander – On Beds and Birds Lena White – Beds Listen and enjoy!